Dec 4, 2019 - Firm News by StruckLove Firm
In its ongoing commitment to giving back to the community, Struck Love Gives Back selects local charities that make an impact in the community. It then hosts events or fundraisers throughout the year to support the chosen organizations. This year, employees raised money during Causal for a Cause Wednesdays and were able to give generous monetary donations to the following organizations.
The Care Fund of Arizona –
Treasures 4 Teachers –
Waste Not –
Backpacks 4 Kids –
Our fall activities included a food drive for Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank ( in which employees collected 3 large boxes of food, along with a monetary donation. Following this, the firm hosted its annual blanket making event with employees gathering together to make fleece blankets. The handmade blankets were then donated to Arizona Blankets for Kids ) to be given to ill or injured children. This year, 20 blankets were made for ages toddler to teen.
Stuck Love Gives Back will be rounding out the 2019 giving season with a bike drive. Bikes are donated by employees or purchased with Casual for a Cause funds and are given to the Boys and Girls Club of the East Valley in partnership with the Chandler Compadres ( These bikes will go towards a larger holiday family assistance program in December. This event provides a place for families in need to pick out gifts for their children in the weeks leading up to Christmas. For 2019, employees raised enough money to purchase 22 bikes.
Thank you to the Struck Love Gives Back committee and all the firm’s employees for participating in this year of giving!